Here are a few more pics from this last weekend! We went to the park again today only I had to wipe the water off the swing before putting Marshall in it. I'm tired of the rain and cold! I'm so ready for it to be warm and dry outside! Sorry just venting...but I feel like I'm starting to run out of things to do inside! I'm sure I'll come up with something...I just found a new recepie for raspberry lemon bars, I think I'll go try that! Happy wednesday... just carrying mom's starbucks for her...
please don't look at the reflection of the sun off my white legs...holy cow i need the sun to come out!
hanging with daddy...
marshall thought matt was a jungle gym that day and wouldn't stop climbing all over him!
5 years ago
thats what dads are for right? at least this way you won't have to go spring for a new jungle gym, your married to him, for free:)
Seriously. Matt ISN'T a jungle gym? I love seeing these pictures of Marshall when he's not tired and cranky.
I am SO with you on this weather! It's hard for me not to write a whole blog about how much I don't like it! Looks like you had fun at the park! Marshall is a doll <3
I love the's so fun to see Matt with reminds me of Curt and Asher. So precious! Hey, check out Keriann's new cool and encouraging!
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