It's been a busy week here in the Porter household! Marshall has entered the teething phase! He's been unusually fussy and chewing hard on his little hands. It's really sad and I hope it ends soon. On a good note he is sitting up all by himself and exploring our little apartment with great enthusiasm. I'll explain the pics as I go again!
This is Marshall's first time playing with a ball. He has a hard time grabbing onto it obviously but it keeps him entertained!
He started doing pull-ups underneath our coffee table! Whatever works!
Okay I must give a disclaimer before this next picture. My wonderful husband Matt is a very hard worker, is very talented in many different areas, and is a wonderful father, but diapers are just not his thing. I left Marshall with Matt the other night for a bit and this is what I came home to. He kept thinking to himself that it didn't look the same as when I put it on but he couldn't figure it out. Seriously this mans builds homes for a living! I almost wet my pants I was laughing so hard at him and Marshall was cracking up at us laughing so hard. Very memorable moment for us!

That is so awesome. I'm inclined to think that I may have done the same thing. I love you guys.
I was actually laughing out loud at the diaper picture....freakin' hilarious! Way to go Matt! That's the crazy funny stuff we'll remember forever! I love it!
Are diapers as affective backwards? I love his sweater!
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