Well I have never been a fan of Halloween until this year! I had someone to dress up! Marshall was such a good sport! I found this adorable elephant costume at a second hand shop for six dollars and we got good use out of it today! I put Marshall in it this afternoon to get some good pics before we went out for the night!
We met up with our friends the Diaz' for our first trick-or-treat adventure. Chloe and Carley Diaz were an angel and a clown respectively while little Colby was a bear! We went trucking around Paul and Gina's neighborhood with strollers and all. It was a blast. The girls were racing from house to house coming back each time saying, "Look how much candy I got!" It was beautiful out tonight and made for a nice evening out. Marshall stayed nice and toastly in his fleece elephant suit and we all had a great time!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Posted by Chris at 10:31 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
Doesn't everyone know which way a diaper goes on?
It's been a busy week here in the Porter household! Marshall has entered the teething phase! He's been unusually fussy and chewing hard on his little hands. It's really sad and I hope it ends soon. On a good note he is sitting up all by himself and exploring our little apartment with great enthusiasm. I'll explain the pics as I go again!
This is Marshall's first time playing with a ball. He has a hard time grabbing onto it obviously but it keeps him entertained!
He started doing pull-ups underneath our coffee table! Whatever works!
Okay I must give a disclaimer before this next picture. My wonderful husband Matt is a very hard worker, is very talented in many different areas, and is a wonderful father, but diapers are just not his thing. I left Marshall with Matt the other night for a bit and this is what I came home to. He kept thinking to himself that it didn't look the same as when I put it on but he couldn't figure it out. Seriously this mans builds homes for a living! I almost wet my pants I was laughing so hard at him and Marshall was cracking up at us laughing so hard. Very memorable moment for us!

Posted by Chris at 11:07 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Fall is Here!
I left my camera over at my mother-in-laws house the other day so these are a few random pics I haven't been able to put up yet! I'm going to try the caption thing since there is no contiuous theme for these pics! I got these mesh feeding things and Marshall loved it! I put a piece of a pear in there and he went to town. When I use the phrase "mesh feeding bag" to try and explain this little invention people look at me as though I'm talking about feeding a horse. Oh well Marshall is happy and it works!
It's time for the rainboots! I'm so excited about these cute boots! Not like he's really going to be splashing in puddles anytime soon but they sure are fun to look at!
Just checking out his new kicks!
Just having some family time at Starbucks! Dad is taking the picture so he didn't make it in the photo shoot!
Posted by Chris at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A few of my favorite things...
I celebrated my 28th birthday at the end of last month and I am officially feeling old. I'm not sure exactly why that is but oh well! This birthday was however, one of my best. My husband went all out on the gifts which earned him major points! With the help of my party planner sister(more like under the direction of my sister), he threw me a surprise party, at which I was very surprised! I wanted to show you a few of my gifts because they were awesome! Matt was walking through Costco, the day before my birthday of course, when he saw this giant jewelry box (I'm not kidding I think I could probably fit Marshall in there). He had noticed that I had my jewelry in bowls and kind of all over the place so he thought I could use a nice place to keep it all. I think it was actually saying, "Here's something to put all the crap in that's taking up space in the bathroom!" Just kidding it was a very thoughtful gift and I loved it!
The next gift was this killer pot rack which we hung above our mini stove. If you didn't know, we are living in a studio apartment and although it's quite spacious for a studio, it's still a little tight. Anyways I wanted to hang my pots on the wall because I hate having them in the kitchen drawers since I used them so often. A couple weeks ago I put hooks on the wall and hung them all up. It didn't really look that good so Matt went out and found this little treasure. Again more points!
The last two pics are of Marshall's area of our place! I wanted to show off the cute Pottery Barn vintage baseball crib stuff that I found super cheap a couple months ago. I did make the bedskirt for the crib just in case you're wondering!:) Next to the crib is the gorgeous changing table/dresser that my dad made me before Marshall was born. It was his baby gift to us and I love it. We didn't know it but it ended up matching our crib. The crib was a gift to us from Matt's mom, grandma and brother! Well now that you've been given a small tour of our humble abode maybe you feel like you've been here! I hope so! Love to you all!
Posted by Chris at 2:19 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
We're Up and Scooting!
Yesterday was a big day for Marshall as he offcially performed his first crawling motion. He's up on his knees and kind of scooting forward. He's not all over the place yet but definitely can spin himself all the way around, as well as roll wherever he'd like. This morning he got stuck between Matt's guitar case and his little chair. Today he is continuing to work on rocking back and forth while on his knees. I put him to bed tonight and about 45 minutes later Matt and I heard him moving around in his crib. We snuck over to the crib and there he was rocking back and forth with his little binky in his mouth! He was so excited to keep practicing his moves that he couldn't sleep. Not good for my sleep life! :)
Enjoy the pics and by the way I had just changed Marshall's diaper which is why he doesn't have pants on...I don't usually make him wear shoes in the house either!
Oh and the last picture is to show you the intensity with which my child grabs at things. I'm not kidding he wrestled this bag of wipes around the whole living room for about 15 minutes! Very entertaining!
Posted by Chris at 11:49 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Well we have reached the point where Marshall is reaching for and grabbing at just about everything! I have had some cold Starbucks drinks when he's in my lap and he has pulled the whole cup down and actually put the straw in his mouth...I know I'm training him young!
We went up to my parents house last night for a little time away from Salem and of course to give my parents a little grandbaby fix. My mom pulled some measuring spoons out for Marshall to play with and he was in heaven. I'm surprised at how long he stays entertained by one thing. This morning he played with one book for a good 10 minutes! I know you moms with older kids are saying, "Enjoy it!" and trust me I am!
Well we're off to another busy week! Since we started our church we have had quite a bit going on but I think we're settling into a good routine and we're having so much fun! We love our church and as a mom it's so incredible to have people around who love my kid! I hardly get to see him on Sunday nights as he is passed around so much! Matt's mom goes to our church and Marshall also has several 'special friends' who love to have time with him! Marshall has such a great personality and is so happy that I think he just loves seeing new faces all night! Have a great week everyone!
Posted by Chris at 11:33 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 4, 2007
My future guitarist!
I think that most of you know by now that my husband Matt and I, along with our dear friends Paul and Gina Diaz, started a church here in Salem about two months ago! We are having an absolute blast and God is doing some awesome things in the lives of our young people! (If you haven't checked out our website it's http://www.outwardchurch.com/ ). Anyways we started a college small group tonight which will be meeting on Thursday nights. Our first night together was awesome! One of our guys, Grae, was showing Marshall a thing or two about the guitar! Matt hasn't had a chance to practice with Marshall yet but it looks like he already has some skills!
You want me to play it like this?
Don't worry I'll get it in tune for you!
Posted by Chris at 11:33 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
6 Months Old!
I can't believe that Marshall is 6 months old today! He had to get shots today but he did so well! He only cried a little bit and was so tired from missing his morning nap that he fell asleep during the five minute drive home! He took a three hour nap today which was awesome! Poor guy the shots really knock him out! Anyways he's weighing in at 16lbs. 5oz and is 26inches long! He's in the middle areas of both of those percentiles!
I took these pics because he is learning to get up on his knees and I just loved the diaper shots. If you look closely you can see a little crack in the last one...like father like son!:)
The last one is with Uncle Tim at church on Sunday afternoon. He just cuddled up with Tim and fell asleep on his chest...very special moment for the two of them!
Posted by Chris at 11:36 PM 1 comments