Here are a few more pics from this last weekend! We went to the park again today only I had to wipe the water off the swing before putting Marshall in it. I'm tired of the rain and cold! I'm so ready for it to be warm and dry outside! Sorry just venting...but I feel like I'm starting to run out of things to do inside! I'm sure I'll come up with something...I just found a new recepie for raspberry lemon bars, I think I'll go try that! Happy wednesday... just carrying mom's starbucks for her...
please don't look at the reflection of the sun off my white legs...holy cow i need the sun to come out!
hanging with daddy...
marshall thought matt was a jungle gym that day and wouldn't stop climbing all over him!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
a few more pics
Posted by Chris at 2:50 PM 4 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
New pics and a porter update!
I can't believe it was snowing last weekend and today it's beautiful and sunny outside! Marshall and I took a little stroll to the park this morning and had some fun playing in the grass!
This was the sad look I got while he was cooped up in his stroller but once I let him out...
...happy as a clam!
Marshall is attempting to run after a dog that was walking past us! He's really into animals right now! We have a stray cat that has been coming onto our porch and Marshall goes crazy when he plays with him through the window. Don't worry I'm not letting him near the cat...only through the glass can he see his "kitty"!
Our first attempt at eating a flower...
And this is my latest project around my house! We have these amazing windows up by the ceiling that let so much light in and they are fabulous during the day. However in the early am, like 6 o'clock in the morning it's not so fun to have light pouring into your bedroom. Also Marshall goes to bed around 8pm and now that summer's coming it's staying light outside later and later. All that to say, we needed some curtains so I made some!
I have some new blog friends now and I thought I would just give a quick run down of our lives right now for those that I haven't talked to in a while!
My husband Matt and I just celebrated our 2 year anniversary last week! It has been a crazy two years! Marshall came just a year after we had been married and has forever changed our lives! Definitely for the better! I'm able to stay home with Marshall and I am so thankful for that! Last August along with a couple friend of ours, we decided to start a younger style church here in dowtown Salem! That has been an amazing journey and the church is doing awesome! We meet in an old historic theater downtown, actually it's where Matt and I got married! Pretty cool. So that has been a huge growing experience for us and we're definitely learning alot! Our church website is if you're interested in seeing what we're all about!
Matt is also doing part-time construction work to help pay the bills! I am going to be doing some wedding coordinating and assisting this summer with a Design Co. here in Salem and I'm really excited about that. It will be here and there so that will be great with Marshall and will bring in a little extra income! We all know about that right?!!
So life is good, my sister Heidi also had a baby 2 mos after I did so that has been really fun as well! Parents are still in Gresham but we're trying to convince them to move to Salem! We'll see:) So there you have it, the life and times of the Porter family!
Posted by Chris at 11:49 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Anniversary Trip!
My oh my how fun to leave my child with grandma and grandpa overnight! I must admit it's my first time! And the next time will be soon!!! Jk...anyways Matt and I had such a wonderful time over the last couple days.
I started off our time by going to get a pedicure! So relaxing. Then we headed off to Portland. We stayed at Comfort Suites up by the airport and it was actually really nice. We got a great deal on the room so that made it even better. We went downtown to do a little shopping and see where the night took us. Then we strolled around a little bit and found this awesome guitar shop where we spent a good 45 minutes checking out vintage husband was in heaven! We hit a movie and then grabbed dinner at Rock Bottom Brewery.
Then this morning I got to sleep in until 9am!!! For those of you with children you understand what an amazing gift that is! We had belgian waffles at the continental breakfast and lounged around until we had to check out. Then we of course hit Starbucks and then headed to IKEA. Matt had never been there and he made it a whole hour in the store. Then we were dying to see Marshall so we headed back to my parents house. Marshall was pumped to see us!
All in all it was a fantastic time for us...2 years and going strong! Enjoy the pics...I'm terrible at asking people to take our picture so you'll see a few close ups!
My pedicured toes...
Driving to Portland...
Still driving...
Dinner at Rock Bottom
I took a picture of us right before this but forgot it was on zoom so I got half of each of our faces:) I obviously am not showing that one...
My husband looking very much awake
I'm so glad I'm getting coffee...
And welcome home Marshall!
Posted by Chris at 8:34 PM 6 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
What a beautiful day!
Well I think it was about 75 degrees here today in good old Salem! The best day was beautiful! I also have the best husband ever as he agreed to go to the park not once today but twice! We headed down to Bush Park after lunch for a walk around the park as well as a stop at the teeter totter and the gazeebo in the little rose garden.
Friday Marshall started walking all over the place. It's like he just decided it was time...crazy! He walked all over that gazeebo including around some bushes and tried a few different times to eat the grass.
Then we had a nice lunch at Best Little Roadhouse with some of our college students followed by a nap for Marshall. Well it was just too nice outside to waste any of our time indoors so after Matt had a quick nap we headed downtown for Starbucks and a walk at Riverfront Park. Matt thought it would be fun to bring Marshall's push cart for a quick ride in the grass. Then we found a strap on our stroller and Matt thought Marshall might like to be pulled all over the park instead of you'll see below he definitely did. He drew quite a bit of attention with his funny squeals and laughter! Today is sunny once again..not as nice but I think we'll be heading to the park again!
By the way it's our 2 year anniversary tomorrow! I can't even believe it's been two years already. Matt jokingly told me it feels like it's been twenty...he's a funny one!
Anyways we're heading to Portland for a couple of fun filled days but I'll be updating when I get back!
Happy Sunday!
Posted by Chris at 7:54 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
For my mom and sister!
My mom got Marshall his very own pair of sunglasses last week and he LOVES them! Everytime I put them on him he starts smiling this huge cheezy smile! It's so funny...every single time he does the same thing.
Today he was quiet for a minute so I hurried to check on him and found him in his collapsed tunnel reading a book. It was so cute I rushed to get my camera before he moved...oh those priceless moments. I'm so thankful for cameras to capture all our memories.
That's all just a few quick pics...heading off to church in about an hour! Have a great night!
Posted by Chris at 3:09 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Marshall's Big Day!
Marshall's big day has come and now gone! It was an absolute blast but I'm sooo sad it's over! Don't you worry though we got plenty of pics! Like I said in the last blog I really did go to town on this party. Well we actually had two parties. One at McDonald's yesterday with some of his friends...and then one tonight with our families! My house was fully decorated and a taco dinner was ready and waiting for our guests! Marshall was so happy to see everyone and very excited that they brought presents with them. I got him a guitar for his birthday and he hardly put the thing down all day. My sister Heidi got him a tunnel to crawl through and he LOVED it! I'll try and narrate the pics below.
All and all it was a fabulous day...I love parties! I love getting ready for them, I love matching everything together, and I love having people in my home! I can't wait until his next birthday!
Enjoy the pics!
PS - I full on had to put marshall in the bathtub after his cake eating experience!
Posted by Chris at 10:19 PM 4 comments