I find it ironic that my last blog post was titled, "We're back!", following which I took a leisurely 4 month hiatus from blogging. I feel like I'm cheating the blog world when I look at other peoples blogs but don't have the decency to update my own. So if I haven't commented on your blog it's because I don't want you to think that I am just lazily not attending to my own:)
In all truth this has been one crazy summer and we are already into yet another busy season. I keep saying I have 'busy seasons' in my life but I think the truth is we are just always busy. Not in a bad way just busy. My computer tanked a few weeks ago and I have been waiting until I can get all my pictures on Matt's computer as to write a big comeback blog with lots of pictures but I decided that was just actually helping me procrastinate updating the blog further. So here we are with just a few pictures and a little update...I'll ease in slowly:)
Our big news is that we found out we were pregnant again this summer. I am sure most people know this by now but I'm about 22 weeks and we are having our 2nd boy in February! I am really excited to have another boy. Love my Reagan but excited for Marshall to have a brother.
The church is growing and we are so thankful always for the ways God is allowing our family to serve Him.
We are absolutely loving the stage of life that our kids are in. Marshall is so funny and Reagan is so quick to follow the lead of her brother and has a shining personality to match his!
Life continues to be full and I am going to try to continue to be a little more faithful to this blog...we'll see:) Oh my she wants to dress herself already:)
Friday, October 15, 2010
hello there
Posted by Chris at 8:26 PM 3 comments
Thursday, June 3, 2010
We're Back!!!

Posted by Chris at 2:32 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Marshall turns 3!
Just warning you that this is a very picture heavy post! My sweet friend Kesha brought her magnificent camera with her and snapped shots of our party! We had a great time! Marshall had six of his little friends over for a "Tool Party". I love parties...it was a party for him but I had a lot of fun putting it together! All that said here is a glimpse of our day!
The construction hats...
The decor...Matt never knew his tools were stylish:)
Clean hands before cookie decorating...
We used lots and we mean LOTS of sprinkles...
More decor...:)
Cupcake toppers...loved them.
Trying not to light anyone on fire...
Marshall shoving most of the cupcake into his mouth...
Cowboy gear!
Fighting face...
Don't forget about Reagan! The crew!
Happy Birthday Marshall!
Posted by Chris at 8:12 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I have a confession...
I own a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes. I did not say that I bought them, because I did not, rather a wonderful generous woman who has been used by the Lord to bless us in numerous ways gave them to me. I could have gone my whole life without owning an expensive pair of shoes but now that I have them, I really like them:) Once my husband found out how expensive they are he wanted to sell them on ebay...I said, "get behind me satan."
I'm not a big name brand person but I do like quality things. I love my Jimmy Choo's. I am not, however, one of those people who only bring them out for special occasions. I wear them often and in many situations. I wore them out in the backyard playing with the kids the other day. I think about my shoes sometimes the way I think about life. Follow me here...many of us have been blessed by the Lord with possesions, spirtual gifts or any number of things you could imagine. If we don't use what we have then why should we have been given them in the first place? I'm a perfectionist but I want to live my life to the fullest and most times that means things are going to be messy. Both in my house and in our lives:) We must learn what it means to live fully and use what God has given us...even if it's messy:) Thanks for listening to my random thought for the day!
Marshall presenting me with a few dandelions...
I did remove this leaf from her mouth just after I took the pic:)
My Jimmy Choo's. In the the tractors and the mud:)
Posted by Chris at 2:27 PM 5 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
now i know my abc's
I've had yet another project idea swirling around in my head for the last few weeks and finally had the time to do it. This one didn't take as much time as the bumper but it was figuring out when to make it as Reagan is just motoring all around my house now:) She is almost as busy as Marshall...perfect. I was hoping for a cuddler...not the case, oh well maybe my next child:)
Anywho...on to the project. So I found this alphabet fabric a few months ago with my dear friend Sandy at this fabulous shop in McMinville. Seriously I walked into this fabric store and didn't know which way to go there was so much to look at. I knew I would use this in Marshall's room but just wasn't sure where. I've been a little in love with burlap lately and I wanted to back each of the letters with burlap and fabric that matches the blanket I made him for his bed. I LOVE how it turned out and Marshall is loving talking about all the letters:) So fun.
I also put up a couple pics of our wonderful trip to Silver Creek Falls today! It was beautiful out there and we had quite the hike. It was definitely a bit of work with two kiddos but it was so fun. Both my kids were in bed at 6:30 tonight...ahhhhh! Have a great week! Post cutting....
Posted by Chris at 6:57 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A couple shout outs!
I'm sure that many of you, well I'm actually not sure but hoping that some of you get caught up 'blog surfing' like I do:) I wanted to share with you some of my favorite blogs in case you're interested!
My absolute favorite blogger is Lindsey of the Pleated Poppy! She is a very creative and talented stay at home/work from home mama and I LOVE her stuff. Here she is http://www.lindseycheney.blogspot.com/
She just recently posted some of her favorite blogs including Joy's Hope, which has quickly become one of my new favorites. This gal is so funny...you have got to check out this post about her local freecycle, it had me in tears www.joyshope.com/2009/08/freakcycle.html
One that I have recently begun following is Lisa Leonard. Someday I'll be able to affored the beautiful jewelry she makes and I love her photography. www.lisaleonardonline.com/blog
Well those are just a couple of my favs...hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
And no sweet pics of my kids this time...don't worry I'm sure you won't have to wait long:)
Posted by Chris at 8:31 PM 4 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
the beach!
Last weekend Sharon and I took the kids to the beach for a few hours on Saturday! It was so fun! Went to Mo's for lunch, fed the seagulls, played on the beach for about 10 minutes:) and then headed to the outlet mall!
Marshall had a fabulous time feeding the seagulls!
Happily feeding the seagulls the rest of his cheeseburger!
Proof that I was there:) Love what the beach does to my hair and of course my kids are still looking at the seagulls.
Not sure what he's getting ready for...
Sandy hands...
Reagan wearing the headband her mama just made for her! I've been thinking about this idea for a while and finally had some time yesterday to do it while she was sleeping! Yay for naps:)
Posted by Chris at 10:43 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Playground and puddle pics!
Some of you might have seen the pics that my sweet friend Tara took of Marshall playing on the playground and in the puddles on fb, but if you haven't, or would like to see a couple more go here... http://blog.selaphotography.com/ . She did an amazing job and I am so excited to get some of those on my walls:) Isn't she talented?!
Posted by Chris at 7:43 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Projects, projects...
I have been working on a little, well it turned out to be monstrous, project for Reagan's room. I had a boys bumper for Marshall and didn't want to buy a new one for Reagan. I had quite a bit of fabric scraps left from other projects I've done for her so I decided to try a sort of patchwork slipcover bumper! It seriously took FOREVER but I love the final product! And yes that's her in the crib:)
Also Reagan decided that it is time to pull herself up into a standing position. Poor thing has had a couple head bumps since her balance isn't great yet but she's so stinkin' strong! Life is busy as usual and I'm so thankful my kids are feeling better!
I'm so sorry I haven't posted very many pics of my house yet! All of the rooms are ALMOST done but I hate posting pics of halfway done things! They are coming soon I promise!
Posted by Chris at 10:08 PM 8 comments