So we finally made it to the fountains in front of the capitol today! It was so nice today so after everyone's nap my sis and I headed downtown for a nice Starbucks drink and trip to the fountains with the boys. I love where we live now because it's a great walk into downtown and the capitol park with the fountains is really close. Marshall hasn't quite ventured into the spray of the fountain yet, we'll get there though I'm sure! We mainly just play near the edge in the puddles! And yes you might be thinking that my son has incredibly long hair right now! You are correct, but my husband doesn't want to cut it yet:) So we're going with the shag for now!
Life is a little crazy still but I feel like we are definitely adjusting to having two kiddos! Reagan had her two week check up today and she's doing marvelous! In the 90th percentile in height and weight...way to go baby! She's such a great sleeper...praise the Lord!
I'm going to try and put some more pics of Reagan up this week. I haven't really had a chance to take very many shots of her yet! Okay I'm off to check a few other blogs before I head to bed! My little man!
5 years ago
You look so good! Can't wait to see pictures of your sweet baby girl!
yeah, you look like you didn't even have a baby for cryin' out loud! You're beautiful and I will check your blog every day in anticipation of seeing new pics of baby girl! Oh and I actually love marshall's hair! If any kid can pull that off, he apparently can!
Good work, Chris! You look awesome! Thanks a lot for setting the bar so high for those of us about to have babies! :)
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