the life and times of our family...
Posted by Chris at 9:21 PM 4 comments
Since we go to church on Sunday nights our Sunday mornings are usually very low key and relaxing. (Not like any other morning is really stressful either!)
Posted by Chris at 8:52 AM 5 comments
My sister has been a massage therapist for the last 5 years. She has been working out of other businesses and renting spaces from other people since she started. Just this last week she made the move out onto her own! I'm so proud of her and her space is absolutely gorgeous!
She's calling her business Element 5. The five is actually the symbol of being to the 5th power but I couldn't get blogger to pull the five up any higher! It stands for the five elements...fire, earth, wind, rain and I can't remember the last one...oh well.
Anyways Matt and my dad helped her building the arbor like thing on the celing, which actually holds the bars she uses for the type of massage she does while walking on people's backs! If you've never had a massage like that you must try one! Anyways she has basically transformed this small empty room into a beautiful and relaxing environment. Let's just say I can't wait for my first massage!
And I must say that I helped with the chair! I had this gorgeous old Queen Anne style chair that was badly in need of a recovering. I can't fit it in my house right now and I had some swanky orange paisley fabric that I thought would look fabulous over it. I tried it and it works perfectly to match her space. Don't look too closely at the sides as I didn't have enough fabric to cover the entire thing:) Once we angled the chair in the corner and put up a little coffee table you couldn't even tell!
I love decorating and creating...it inspires me!
Anyways if you're here in Salem you must go see her and if not then I'll just let you be jealous!:) Just kidding!
Way to go sis!
Posted by Chris at 7:25 AM 2 comments
Wow it's been almost two weeks since I've last posted! I did try and post last week but something in my blog picture settings got messed up. Being the computer genius that I am (not hardly) I actually did figure it out on my own! So now I of course have several things to post about...so here we go!
Last week our friends Jerry and Molly's boys had their last tball game! I love tball...it was the cutest thing we've seen in a long time! The boys were both fantastic and Matt and I loved every minute of it! Here are a few pics of our time together! Daren and Kimberly with Molly and Marshall!
Marshall watching the game from the lawnchair. He was out of the chair by the time I was done taking this pic!
Darling Brody ready on second base!
An action shot of Brock...I was pretty proud of my picture taking skills on this one:)
Marshall and mom!
And Marshall learned how to climb up the back of the couch and onto the bookshelf...are you kidding me! Just today he learned how to get himself up onto the couch from the floor so I am really in trouble! This whole climbing thing is going to be an adventure.
We went to a friend's wedding on Saturday and Marshall had his first piece of wedding cake...with a fork I might add. Good thing I had another shirt in my bag for him!
My sister and I have also been working very hard getting her new massage room ready for business this week! She got it all finished yesterday so I'll have those pics for my next post!
Posted by Chris at 11:34 AM 3 comments
Man the days go by quickly around here! Last week it was my nephew Deakan's birthday so we celebrated down at Riverfront Park. My sis did a great job putting the whole thing together including making a fabulous cake!
I also assisted with my first wedding this past Saturday! It was so fun! Matt had Marshall and he did great. It was so fun to get out
of the house for a little while...plus I LOVE weddings. I'm doing another one the end of this month!
Also in other news, my sister is moving her massage business downtown as she just rented this awesome space on the third floor in this newly renovated building. We spent yesterday getting it ready for her and I think she'll make the move next week. The building is renovated like I said but it's got concrete floors and the original exposed brick walls. Very urban! We love it. I've also been making some nursing covers, burp rags, etc, and she's going to let me sell some in her space!
This is graduation weekend for all the high school seniors so we've got a few parties to go to! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I know her eyes are closed but Lola still looks adorable giving her cousin Marshall a squeeze!
I think Marshall is either trying to run after a dog or a bike that one of the kids brought!
No smiles for the kids but at least we got a cute pic of us:)
While getting Heidi's space user friendly we've made several trips to Lowe's and Home Depot. I love these carts! Marshall starts clapping and tries to squirm out of my arms as soon as he sees the thing he's so excited to get into it! They make such a ruckus in the store as well. Kicking on the thing, laughing, it's really quite funny to watch them together. I on the other hand feel like I'm driving a station wagon around the store...but it's all about the kids right?
Posted by Chris at 8:57 AM 4 comments