This is one of those rare moments that I was able to capture a picture of Marshall being still and just watching something! I usually watch Deakan once a week or so while Heidi does her massage therapy job! The pose where Marshall is on top of Deaken is his favorite. Deakan is a good sport and doesn't seem to mind being roughed up by his cousin. Marshall has no mercy. Please don't laugh at the horrid green pants Marshall is wearing in the last few pics. I got them as a gift and it's great to not have to worry about socks.
I can't believe Christmas is only 5 days away! I just wrapped all my presents tonight and put them under the tree! Tomorrow morning a nice gate will need to now be wrapped around the tree to protect the presents from Marshall. He is into absolutely everything. Cords, phones, computers...why do they like electronics?
Anyways Merry Christmas if I don't post again before then!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Cousin Time...
Posted by Chris at 11:04 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...
I'm so excited that Christmas is here! I just finished my shopping today! I can't wait to wrap all the presents but I know that Marshall will destroy them if I put them under the tree so I must wait! We did get our tree this past weekend and it was so fun. My aunt and uncle opened a tree farm this year so we went with my parents and cut down our very first tree! (Last year we got one from the lot in the Safeway parking lot...lame! Matt's learning a thing or two about traditions!) Anyways it was so fun and we love our tree. Marshall really likes it too! The first time he crawled over to it he grabbed it and yanked so hard the tree almost fell over! Now I put my footstool in front of the tree so he can't get to it!
My brother in law also got us this train that goes around the tree! Yesterday Marshall waited for it to go around a couple times before he pounced on it, but today it didn't even make it around all the way before he grabbed it off!
Life is busy right now but we're so excited for Christmas! I'm not sure if I've told everyone or not but we're going to Texas for a few days after Christmas to visit some of Matt's family! If you have any travel tips with kiddos for me, please let me know! Okay hope to hear from you all soon!
Posted by Chris at 8:17 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 3, 2007
And We're Up!
Okay I'm about to run out the door so I can't really write a lot but I wanted to get these pictures up. This weekend has been a big one for Marshall as he started to pull himself up on his knees on things. Then tonight he pulled himself all the way up onto his feet. Too cute!! Anyways just a quick post tonight but I'll update it again soon!
Posted by Chris at 6:10 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Holiday Catch up blog!
I can't believe that it's been 2 weeks since I've posted a blog! I am the worst. Well a lot has happened since my last post so I think this is the longest post ever! There are just so many pictures to put up! Anyways, our Thanksgiving weekend was absolutely fabulous and we were able to spend time with both of our families.
We went to Portland to visit my folks for a couple of days and my mom wanted her grandson's to have their pictures taken together! It was a very fun experience. Marshall was having a tough time smiling which is unusual for him but what do you do...Enjoy all the pics!

Posted by Chris at 10:10 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
In the car
These are just a few quick pics of when Marshall and I were waiting in the car one afternoon! By the way in the last one our vehicle is stopped! Just so there are no concerns! Anyways we're all doing well, busy but well! I'll post more pics and have more updates on my next post!
Posted by Chris at 12:11 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Well I have never been a fan of Halloween until this year! I had someone to dress up! Marshall was such a good sport! I found this adorable elephant costume at a second hand shop for six dollars and we got good use out of it today! I put Marshall in it this afternoon to get some good pics before we went out for the night!
We met up with our friends the Diaz' for our first trick-or-treat adventure. Chloe and Carley Diaz were an angel and a clown respectively while little Colby was a bear! We went trucking around Paul and Gina's neighborhood with strollers and all. It was a blast. The girls were racing from house to house coming back each time saying, "Look how much candy I got!" It was beautiful out tonight and made for a nice evening out. Marshall stayed nice and toastly in his fleece elephant suit and we all had a great time!
Posted by Chris at 10:31 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
Doesn't everyone know which way a diaper goes on?
It's been a busy week here in the Porter household! Marshall has entered the teething phase! He's been unusually fussy and chewing hard on his little hands. It's really sad and I hope it ends soon. On a good note he is sitting up all by himself and exploring our little apartment with great enthusiasm. I'll explain the pics as I go again!
This is Marshall's first time playing with a ball. He has a hard time grabbing onto it obviously but it keeps him entertained!
He started doing pull-ups underneath our coffee table! Whatever works!
Okay I must give a disclaimer before this next picture. My wonderful husband Matt is a very hard worker, is very talented in many different areas, and is a wonderful father, but diapers are just not his thing. I left Marshall with Matt the other night for a bit and this is what I came home to. He kept thinking to himself that it didn't look the same as when I put it on but he couldn't figure it out. Seriously this mans builds homes for a living! I almost wet my pants I was laughing so hard at him and Marshall was cracking up at us laughing so hard. Very memorable moment for us!

Posted by Chris at 11:07 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Fall is Here!
I left my camera over at my mother-in-laws house the other day so these are a few random pics I haven't been able to put up yet! I'm going to try the caption thing since there is no contiuous theme for these pics! I got these mesh feeding things and Marshall loved it! I put a piece of a pear in there and he went to town. When I use the phrase "mesh feeding bag" to try and explain this little invention people look at me as though I'm talking about feeding a horse. Oh well Marshall is happy and it works!
It's time for the rainboots! I'm so excited about these cute boots! Not like he's really going to be splashing in puddles anytime soon but they sure are fun to look at!
Just checking out his new kicks!
Just having some family time at Starbucks! Dad is taking the picture so he didn't make it in the photo shoot!
Posted by Chris at 3:17 PM 2 comments