...as a mom! Some days being a mom is tiresome and draining...other days are refreshing. Today was one of the refreshing ones. We all slept in after a late night last night at the Haynes for a BBQ. I took the kids to Target and Costco to grab a few things today while Matt was working on his message. Then it was home for naps. Marshall just started taking naps in his "big boy" bed. He's gone down without a peep and hasn't even gotten out of his bed, he goes right to sleep. Honestly I cannot believe it. I've been dreading the whole transition to a toddler bed but he's done so great. I'm not ready to switch to nightime yet...I like knowing he won't get out while I'm sleeping:)
Anyways both the kiddos slept for a while this afternoon and I got to sit down and read a magazine! I did the dishes and laundry too, but a magazine...it was wonderful!
Then our wonderful babysitter Britney came over (Marshall calls her Britey) and Matt and I went on a date! Best Little Roadhouse, coffee and a walk...perfect date night! And here I sit, both kids in bed, just finishing up Law and Order, drinking my water and about to start working on a blanket I'm making for Marshall. Life is good... I snuck in to check on him and I found him hanging off the bed! But sleeping none the less...
5 years ago
oh I love this post! It makes me so excited for baby boy to be born! Marshall is such a big boy and that's just awesome that he has made that transition with no problem....I'm sure he will surprise you at night too! You are such a wonderfully good mom!!!
I can't believe how big Marshall is. He looks so big in that last picture! It seems like yesterday that he was a jowly little baby that I got to hold. :)
These are so sweet. Glad you got a night out-woohoo! :)
Awww thanks for the shout out, Chris! I loved these photos, showed them to my mom with the preface of "Look at Raegan. I may pass out, she's so cute."
I love your babies!
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