My parents had been on a little trip to Hawaii this past week and so we decided to go and stay at their house for a couple days! We had been wanting to get away as a family for a bit and it was the perfect place to go. We got up there Tuesday afternoon and just spent most of the day hanging out. Marshall built with blocks (which he is enamored with currently), Reagan took a nap, not sure what Matt did:) and I made cookies. My parents came home late Wednesday night so I thought my dad would like a little chocolate chip cookie homecoming...I was right:)
On Wednesday we got up and headed downtown Portland to OMSI. We had never taken Marshall there and I can't even remember the last time I was there. Anyways they have this great area for kids 2-6 and Marshall had a blast. He play in the sandbox, built more blocks, and played in this stream type thing with boats. Check out his little water cape!
It wasn't a super long time but it was definitely quality time both for Matt and I and our family. I'm so thankful for my parents...they are so generous!
Things continue to be busy for us mostly with the church. Can't remember if I posted about out new building?! Anyways, the first of June we moved into a new building in Salem. The old place just wasn't meeting our needs any longer. We got more square footage, full time use and cheaper rent with the new building! It's been a TON of work as we've had to remodel several things on the place but people have really stepped up and helped out. We are LOVING the new place. God has definitely moved mountains to make this all become a reality. I think there are some pics on our website.
Okay until next time...enjoy the 100 + degree weather!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A vacation...kind of:)
Posted by Chris at 6:09 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I love my job... a mom! Some days being a mom is tiresome and draining...other days are refreshing. Today was one of the refreshing ones. We all slept in after a late night last night at the Haynes for a BBQ. I took the kids to Target and Costco to grab a few things today while Matt was working on his message. Then it was home for naps. Marshall just started taking naps in his "big boy" bed. He's gone down without a peep and hasn't even gotten out of his bed, he goes right to sleep. Honestly I cannot believe it. I've been dreading the whole transition to a toddler bed but he's done so great. I'm not ready to switch to nightime yet...I like knowing he won't get out while I'm sleeping:)
Anyways both the kiddos slept for a while this afternoon and I got to sit down and read a magazine! I did the dishes and laundry too, but a was wonderful!
Then our wonderful babysitter Britney came over (Marshall calls her Britey) and Matt and I went on a date! Best Little Roadhouse, coffee and a walk...perfect date night! And here I sit, both kids in bed, just finishing up Law and Order, drinking my water and about to start working on a blanket I'm making for Marshall. Life is good... I snuck in to check on him and I found him hanging off the bed! But sleeping none the less...
Posted by Chris at 10:42 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I love Saturday mornings...
My husband is an incredible breakfast maker! We love Saturdays especially because we normally have a great family breakfast! Here are a few pics of our morning.
Matt's famous egg, ham and cheese scramble...yummy!
Marshall is ready to eat...he loves eggs!
Mommy needs a quick picture!
Matt also has this things for grits. I think they're disgusting but Marshall loves them as well:(I have been making these iced Irish Cream lattes as of late so I whipped a couple of them up for our breakfast. They're a healthier version of Dutch bros. "Kicker". (But I still drink a 'kicker' now and then:)

Posted by Chris at 11:20 AM 5 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Our new way to travel!
Ah my favorite time of the evening! Both kiddos are sleeping soundly and I have a few minutes to myself to blog!
My parents ordered us a double jogging stroller last week and it was scheduled to be here today. So of course I spent most of my morning anxiously awaiting the Fed Ex truck. Finally about one o'clock it arrived and thankfully both kids were sleeping when it got here so I had a minute to put the thing together without Marshall's help:)
We LOVE our stroller! We took it on a maiden voyage this afternoon to Starbucks and then to Riverfront Park where they just put in a new fountain for kids. The fountain is awesome and I'm sure this will be a place we will be frequenting this summer! I think we will be living out of that stroller as it's so nice not to have to put Reagan it the front pack. She's definitely over 10 pounds now and it's so HOT to carry her! Thanks mom and dad!
Also here's a cute pic of Reagan from the other day. I don't know why it loaded onto the page sideways so sorry that you'll have to turn your head a little bit!
Posted by Chris at 11:12 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I can't believe it's already July! We've definitely had a lot going on these past couple weeks. Most recently my brother in law got married this past Saturday! It was a beautiful wedding and hopefully I'll have some pics on my next post! These are just a couple pics of me and Matt and then also me and my new sis in law Holly at the rehearsal dinner! I am so glad to have another girl in the family! Marshall was the ring bearer and he had a rough time and didn't make it down the aisle! He did great in rehearsal but I think he got a little overwhelmed with all the people plus he was in a suit and it was so hot out!
I actually coordinated the wedding so I was exhaused Saturday night and have spent the last couple days catching up on laundry and cleaning! Life goes on...
Reagan is doing great! I have a couple new pics but of course my camera battery died before I could get them on the computer. Another thing to add to my to do list...
Well I'm off to finish a little laundry before bed!
Posted by Chris at 10:54 PM 1 comments