So I know that I have been a terrible blogger as of late but I promise I have a good excuse! My hubby has had my computer at work all week and I've been left internetless! Sad I know. So I have so much to share...but not tonight:( I'm too tired!
Lots to share about the church...we've moved to a new location and it's been incredible!
My mom has been here all week...and she's been absolutely wonderful. I got to run errands yesterday by myself, got a pedicure today by myself, and I get to do something tomorrow afternoon by myself! Having some me time has been so great this week.
Anyways my good friend Michelle is in town visiting and she took some pics of my kiddos the other day. Her link is so go check out my babies! We had so much fun getting Reagan to pose.
I'll update more soon with more pics of Marshall's new haircut and the church!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Posted by Chris at 10:42 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Bridal Shower!
I was finally able to throw my new sis-in-law to be a bridal shower! It was held tonight at my house and it was so fun! I absolutely love showers. I love to decorate and I love entertaining! I am so excited that Holly is joining the family! She is such a gem. We had a great group of ladies and she got some great gifts! Sorry about all the 'aqua' colored stuff Tim!
I'll be updating soon about all the new and exciting things going on with our church! We moved out of our old building last week and will be in our new (to us) building this Sunday!
The dessert buffet! There was another table as well...lots of yummy desserts!
Beverage menu...our sweet friend Tara manned the espresso machine in the kitchen! Sorry no picture of her:(
The gift table!
The beautiful Bride to Be...Holly!
My good friend Stacy and I using our "Hooter Hiders" :) We both have newborns and they're only two weeks apart!And as always a crazy picture of Marshall! He hung out with our friends the Vandyk's for the evening so mom could have a little time to socialize with the girls!
Posted by Chris at 11:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
To the farm!
So I woke up this morning and decided that I needed to get Marshall out of the house today to run around! His energy level is very high right now and I need to tire him out a bit more during the day:) I called my sis @ 8:30 am with my plan to head up to Bauman Farms. I've never been there but have always heard great things about it.
The boys had a great time! Playing on the tractors, feeding the animals and playing in the covered wagon was a blast for them! We finished our trip with a smoothie and fresh strawberries. You'll notice the last couple pics are complete with Marshall's strawberry covered face!
...Reagan did great too! She slept most of the time!
Posted by Chris at 12:54 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
I can't believe it's June!!!
So we finally made it to the fountains in front of the capitol today! It was so nice today so after everyone's nap my sis and I headed downtown for a nice Starbucks drink and trip to the fountains with the boys. I love where we live now because it's a great walk into downtown and the capitol park with the fountains is really close. Marshall hasn't quite ventured into the spray of the fountain yet, we'll get there though I'm sure! We mainly just play near the edge in the puddles! And yes you might be thinking that my son has incredibly long hair right now! You are correct, but my husband doesn't want to cut it yet:) So we're going with the shag for now!
Life is a little crazy still but I feel like we are definitely adjusting to having two kiddos! Reagan had her two week check up today and she's doing marvelous! In the 90th percentile in height and weight...way to go baby! She's such a great sleeper...praise the Lord!
I'm going to try and put some more pics of Reagan up this week. I haven't really had a chance to take very many shots of her yet! Okay I'm off to check a few other blogs before I head to bed! My little man!
Posted by Chris at 10:19 PM 3 comments