Okay so here are a few pics of our morning and also more of the house! Like I said the other day I have about 4 weeks left till baby Reagan arrives but I hope it's sooner than that! Here's the latest shot of me with a big belly!

the life and times of our family...
Okay so here are a few pics of our morning and also more of the house! Like I said the other day I have about 4 weeks left till baby Reagan arrives but I hope it's sooner than that! Here's the latest shot of me with a big belly!
Posted by Chris at 12:41 PM 6 comments
Ah naptime! I love the quiet in my house when Marshall is sleeping. I also love the fact that my house will stay clean until he wakes up and pulls all his toys out again:) A mother's work is never done! I can't tell you how much I am LOVING my new house! Having bedrooms is a new thing for me and I am not taking one minute of it for granted! I will have more pics of the house soon I'm just trying to finish up a few things before I reveal all! Again I have a slight tendency towards perfectionism.
Went to the doctor yesterday for my last ultrasound. I'm 36 weeks this weeks and everything looks good. He said he thinks the baby is about 6 lbs right now so she'll be big...awesome. I go back in 2 weeks and we'll see how things are looking! I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore that's for sure!
These are just a couple of pics from the family birthday party we had for Marshall and a little shower for me! Marshall is still saying, "Happy birthday to Marshall", every time he is at this table:)
Posted by Chris at 12:54 PM 3 comments
Wow what a crazy last two weeks this has been! Trying to get better from the bug I've had, moving into a new house, celebrating Marshall's second birthday and Matt and I will celebrate our 3rd anniversary tomorrow! I'm working like a madwoman trying to get my house decorated and ready to bring a baby home to! I'm a little bit of a perfectionist so I've only included pictures of the parts of my house I have finished so far! There will be more soon though as I'm spending the rest of my evening crafting pillows, curtains and baby stuff!
Obviously the Elmo cake pictured below was for Marshall's birthday and boy was he excited! The other one of Marshall and Deakan is them waiting at my window for their papa! We spend Easter with Matt's family and I was a terrible mother and didn't even have an easter egg hunt for Marshall. He did get a couple chocolate eggs and I promised to do better next year. There is only so much a very prego mommy can handle right now:)
Hope everyone's Easter was great and I'm looking forward to stepping back into normal life...until I have another child in about 5 weeks!
Sorry no prego pics yet but I think I have forgotten to mention that our baby's name is Reagan. Not sure on a middle name yet though!
Posted by Chris at 9:51 PM 7 comments
Just wanted to send out a little update! We are alive and well but life has been crazy these past few days! We MOVED! I am loving my cute house! It's very messy right now but it's so incredible to have a bedroom! And Marshall absolutely loves his room! My camera is out of batteries so I will get some soon so I can update you with pics!
Also I've had this horrible bronchitis type thing and it's been lame! I'm feeling better now which I'm so thankful for!
It's Marshall's birthday tomorrow so we've got a little preparing to do tonight! Lots of pictures coming soon!
Posted by Chris at 9:37 PM 2 comments