Well it was a big day for Marshall on Monday as we finally went down to visit the Gresham City Fire Station! Grandpa Neely was on duty that day and we thought the grandboys are at an age where they would understand seeing such a big truck! When my dad opened up the truck door and set Marshall on the huge seat with the huge steering wheel Marshall did something that will be forever etched in my mind. He opened his mouth into the biggest smile I'd ever seen, he opened his eyes as wide as I'd ever seen, and moved his head back and forth taking in the view of where he was from all directions. It was like he was saying, " I can't believe I'm here, this is the most amazing thing I've ever seen." Seriously I wished so badly I'd had my video camera!
I think it was the size of the steering wheel that he was so excited about. He tried to climb into the thing at one point during his visit! That's a surprise!
I think I'll try and explain the pics below...
Just pure cuteness... I really just like Marshall's facial expression in this one...oh and this is when he tried to climb into the steering wheel.
Marshall and Deakan...
Very excited to now be inside the back seat of the fire engine...
Okay Marshall look at the camera...
Okay now Deakan look at the camera...
Okay well now we lost Marshall and grandpa so just forget it!This is a busy boy's wonderland...so many things to touch!
Okay that's all for now...sorry it's been a while I just haven't had anything picture worthy to post about!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Trip to the Fire Station!
Posted by Chris at 9:55 PM 4 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Best Friends!
Well you saw the video of Marshall's first steps with his borrowed walker, but what you don't know is that the two have been inseperable for the last few days! Marshall loves this thing and since it belongs to my friend Matt and I ordered one for Marshall yesterday! Seriously you'll see in the pics below that he climbs into the thing and plays or reads a book! It is so funny! If I set him in it he grabs onto the sides right away because Matt has been pushing him around our house and Marshall loves it! He just figured out how to move the walker once he runs into something. I can't believe how fast he's growing...
The last couple pics are at Starbucks of course! Marshall is actually participating in the styling of his hair by running his grimy graham cracker filled hands through it! Yummy!
Posted by Chris at 8:39 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Marshall's First Attempt to Walk!!
My friend let me borrow this little walker deal so I let Marshall try it today. The first time he pushed it and walked on his knees but he got the hang of it so quickly! By this evening he was walking behind it and pushing it all over the living room by himself! I'm so proud of him!
Oh and that's my friend Britney in the background...I had to hold the video camera! And I'm not sure of what all I said so maybe turn the volume off and just watch Marshall:)
I just learned how to do this video thing so I hope it works!
Posted by Chris at 11:36 PM 7 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sleep Positions!
Okay super quick post but this was too funny! I put Marshall down for a nap the other day and when I went over to check on him, this is how I found him! He's totally asleep!!!
I moved him to a more comfortable position and he stayed asleep. He really doesn't like to miss a thing!
Posted by Chris at 10:21 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
A birthday party and some other random pics!
Oh what a crazy couple weeks it's been around here! Marshall is napping right now so I have few minutes to do a catch up blog! My house is a disaster so hopefully I'll have time to clean it while he's asleep but I've deemed it more important to keep you all updated on our lives right now!
Church is going so well! Both Matt and Paul were able to receive a partial salary this month which is heaven sent! That means our church is growing which is so exciting. If you haven't seen our website yet it's www.outwardchurch.com ! We just had another baptism last week out in the streets of downtown, it was so fun! I think there's some pics on the web!
Anyways these are just a few random pics of Marshall, Deakan and also Colby and Ashton at McDonald's for Colby's first birthday party. Colby is Paul and Gina's youngest kiddo and he turned one yesterday! Ashton belongs to Courtney and Andy Tyssen and he's a super cute kid! Anyways the boys had a blast eating french fries, cake and opening presents! I can't wait to throw a party for Marshall! Only two more months!
Posted by Chris at 2:06 PM 5 comments