I'm a list person. Sometimes when I make a list and forget to write something on it, I go back and write it on the list even if I've already accomplished it. I write it on there and cross it off right away! I like to see all that I've taken care of.
My world as a mom, while I'm definitely prone to listmaking, is chalk full of things I cannot cross off my list. I am never done with laundry, dishes, diapers, cleaning up spills, cleaning up Marshall, putting kids down for naps, consoling crying kids...you get the point. I am so thankful that I get to stay home with my kiddos and take care of all the things that go on in our household, but there is something about creating something and finishing it that makes me feel like there is proof that I exist! I started and finished something! For example...I just finished making a blanket for Marshall's big boy bed and I love it! I made a smaller version for Reagan before she was born but haven't put a picture of it up until now. I can't tell you how much satisfaction it brings me to know that my kids are using something that I made. Maybe I'm weird, I don't know, I don't really care I'm just happy to have finished my project and can't wait to start another one!
Reagan's first blanket! Marshall's blanket...
5 years ago
Love the blog title. :) I know what you mean about lists, I'm the same way. I make like 3 or 4 lists of the same things so that I can cross them off more than once. You're right, it makes you feel even more like you accomplished something. Glad you and Matt got all the wrinkles worked out with it, too. :) It was so fun to be down there today! My cast came home especially artistic, and so did my toes and my shin. I may have to get a black sharpie and clean it up a little bit, though. Love you so much! Can't wait til the next time I see you and the family.
I am so envious of your creativity! I could never do that! Those blankets are adorable and I think it is the best thing ever and they will cherish those for years to come! Don't ever throw those two blankets away! One of my most precious keepsakes from my child hood is a silk blanket my mom made me that is like 2ft by 3ft long and i still have kept safely away to bring out from time to time! Who knows, maybe someday I'll have a girl who will get to use it!
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