So Matt and I decided last week that it was finally time to take Marshall to get his hair cut. Not to mention we were getting a little pressure from some of my know who you are:)
So we headed to the barber shop where Matt always gets his hair cut by Elisa! She is wonderful but Marshall freaked out! I put him down in the chair and he reached his arms up for me and said 'mommy' in a very sad voice. So we thought maybe Matt would go first so Marshall could watch. He adjusted himself a little to the shop and we tried again. This time sitting on Matt's lap. As you'll see I spent most of the time trying to distract him from the actual haircut. He was spraying water all over the place and eating a sucker at the same time. I don't know what it was but he was not a fan of the haircut.
By the way I'm planning on learning how to cut his hair because it's so stinkin' expensive even for a kid!
Happy with a spray bottle and a sucker...this was his second sucker by the way.

Wow! Cute haircut....I was wondering what you guys were waiting for! Asher hated his first time too! The razor noise scared him, but he's had at least 3 haircuts and has no problem with the razor now...I think it's just something to get used to. Marshall does look like such a little boy now. Oh, how soon they grow up....sad! Miss you!
Your all-time favorite picture is one that will probably make you (and me, and probably everyone) laugh for years. What a funny kid!
Awww.. what a little dude!! These photos are so cute :o) He really does look more like a little boy now.. crazy.
Ahhhhhh!!!! He does look like such a little boy now!!! So cute!
He is such a little boy now! The baby is gone! I would love to see you all sometime. We will have to make a play date sometime soon! Hope your pregnancy is going well :)
oh man..that is so adorable. I love how he didn't cry till the end. that's funny. And I loved your christmas card! How cute is your family :)
love you guys!
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