Okay so our landlords brought out this awesome John Deere electrical tractor the other night! Marshall being a 15 month old was not expected to really drive the thing so Matt started to help push him around the yard! Well much to our surprise Marshall figured out how to push the gas pedal and started tearing around the yard! It was so funny. My parents were down for the day yesterday so we brought it out again to show them! This time Marshall had more confidence than the day before and was fearless and laughing his head off and he was riding around the yard. He ran over some toys and put the whole front of the tractor up in the air before I could get the toys out of his way! The two videos are a little bit of our experiene. The first one you'll see me on the ground because I had just grabbed Marshall off the tractor because he stepped up on one side, pushed the gas pedal, and started riding around the yard standing up on one side! I was nervous that he was going to fall off so I grabbed him. As you'll see this is now his favorite way to ride the tractor! At the end of a long day of tractor riding Marshall enjoyed his entire popsicle sitting on his new tractor friend!
5 years ago
frickin' hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, I can't WAIT to see how him and Asher play together!!! There won't be a dull moment! See you tomorrow!
That shows the difference between boys and girls, at least my girl. She is 3 1/2, has a jeep out back and is terrified of pushing the gas pedal, she only wants us to push her! How funny. What a cute little man.
He is such a Porter Boy!!!! I can't wait to see him when I get out there.
Was he running around signing "more"? Hilarious!
oh geez, that is some of the funniest stuff!!! curtis would be so jealous. by the way you look great, your butt looks amazing in those videos=)
Hi Chris! I popped over from Chels' page and fell in love with your little man! What a cutie! I loved the video AND the precious "please" sign-language. I am assuming that is what he was doing asking for more food!? It is so great to catch up on your life from your family blog. Just wanted to say hi, and hope you cherish these moments with only ONE child! I am a bit envious that I never got that. ;) God Bless! Michelle Wagner
So funny, it was great to hear the Neely's laugh in the background , tell them all hello for me!
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