Well here they are, our pictures from our post-Christmas trip to Texas! We had such a great time on this trip. I got to meet some of Matt's cousins and their kids which was really great! They are all such wonderful people (I hope the Hallbauer's are reading this...:)
A couple days after we got back Marshall got hit with this awful sickness! I never knew a little baby could puke up as much stuff as he did! Oh my word, I've done more laundry in the last four days than I ever knew was possible! It's been so sad. It was a little scary just because he's never been like that. Lethargic, not smiling and not eating very much at all. Anyways he's doing much better now. He also had a ear infection which he's taking meds for. Poor kid.
Things are definitely settled down here a little bit, I love Christmas though, such a fun and busy time of year. Back to reality now! Hope everyone is well! I think Marshall enjoyed being on an airplane. I mean he looks pretty happy!
There were several open seats on this flight so I kicked Matt out, he's just on the other side of Marshall, and let Marshall have his own seat. I gave him his toy truck and some cheerios on that little tray and he was in heaven!
Marshall was playing with one of the kids light savers (is that what they're called and is that how you spell it?) anyways...he almost hit someone with it.
We went for a little walk this morning! By little I mean from the house to the swing...Matt's not a real big 'walking' person...
Like I said...to the swing.
And fishing was by far what we did the most! Of course we had to introduce Marshall to the sport. He had so much fun. He loves watching anything that moves. I pulled a worm out of the bucket and let it wiggle in front of Marshall's face...he was mesmerized! His grandpa Neely is so proud!
5 years ago
Okay, first off....I totally know what you are going through because Asher has a BAD ear infection and is on tylenol, a decongestant AND antibiotics! Our poor little guys!
You were right...the plane pictures are awesome! He is always SO happy! Okay and the picture of Matt fishing with Marshall on his back....and it looks like Marshall is waving to the camera?! TOO STINKIN' CUTE!! It was so good catchin' up with you the other day!
(Light Sabre)
He's such a sweet, smiley kid! I love how he really commits to a smile.
The baby flu is the worst! Makayla didn't get the flu till she was 4! But Hana got it when she was about 15 months old and I litterally had to sleep with her in the towel lined living room and every time she threw up guess who she did it on! yup ...that's right...good ol` faithful mommy! I feel your pain.
Fun Fun trip to Texas! I'm wishing I could go too...my sister lives in Austin and could you believe that i've never even gone there to visit! I know...aweful! Soon....I've got it on my to do list :) love you,
hey, I am going to find out this afternoon for sure if I've got a part time job! You would love the place...I'll tell you about it later, but it looks like I am no longer a "stay at home mommy"....although it will only be two and three days a week, which is perfect!
It looks like you had a happy camper on the flight! I'm glad you guys got to get out of town and have a fun in Texas. Marshall looks at home fishing with his daddy:)
Chris, I got your comment and like Jenny said baby flu is the worse. Lola got sick the day after we got back from Japan. Those plane germs will kill ya. Sounds like Marshall got his bug from the plane too. Well I hope he's doing better. Lola is better now but is still pretty skinny. She's just starting to get her appetite back. Thanks for the comment. You're little guy looks super happy. Oh yeah and organizing in a studio...sounds like you could teach me a few things.
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