I was definitely excited yesterday morning when we woke up to snow all over the ground! However, my husband was more excited as he got a 'snow day' and didn't have to go to work! (He's working on a construction site!)
We got up, grabbed a Starbucks of course since it was only 8am, and headed out to test how icy the roads were in our 4x4 vehicle. Matt loves a good drive in the snow. We headed out towards South Salem which actually got a few inches. I made Matt stop the car so we could take pictures with Marshall since it's his first time seeing snow. We felt like tourists taking pictures in someone else's neighborhood but oh well! Marshall rather enjoyed the snow as the first thing he did was grab it and put it in his mouth. But he puts everthing in his mouth right now so that didn't really surprise me. Anyways it was a very fun day and I hope it snows again tonight!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Snow Day!!
Posted by Chris at 8:56 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Laura!
We celebrated my baby sister's 25th birthday last night! We all met at PF Chang's in Bridgeport for the celebration. Yummy! These are just a few quick pics of the evening. Matt and Marshall wore matching sweaters (that was for you chels!!!) and we got a picture of Laura and her darling boyfriend Danny! I'm so excited to see her so happy! Hope everyone is well!
Posted by Chris at 12:42 AM 4 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
Random pics and a new job for Chris!
Hello there! Sorry it's been a little while. I keep forgetting to take my camera with me lately and I haven't taken very many pictures! These are just a couple random ones. This is my nephew Deakan sitting nicely on the couch until his crazed cousin Marshall decides to pounce on him. I'm not exaggerating either. We have to be on Marshall patrol when they're playing together. The last one is just one I took of Marshall in the tub. I was trying to show you how long his hair actually is, even though it doesn't normally look like it!
On an exciting note, I'm starting to do some work as a wedding coordinator! I'm so excited. I'll be working with a event/design company here in town. I know the owner personally and she is a fabulous lady. I'll basically be taking weddings from the very beginning, seeing them all the way through, and also assisting her at weddings when she needs it. We'll both be doing seperate coordination.
I prayed about it a lot and felt like this was a great opportunity to take advantage of during this season of my life. My boss is super supportive about me being a mommy and believes that's my first committment. She said I could bring him down to the office if I needed to do some work, or I can do everything from home, except the actual wedding of course. Anyways I'll have a chance to earn some money and still spend quality time with Marshall. I had my first meeting with my first bride today and it went great. I don't even feel like it's work! Anyways, I'll keep you posted on how it goes! Hope everyone is well!
Posted by Chris at 10:51 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
Our Trip to Texas!
Well here they are, our pictures from our post-Christmas trip to Texas! We had such a great time on this trip. I got to meet some of Matt's cousins and their kids which was really great! They are all such wonderful people (I hope the Hallbauer's are reading this...:)
A couple days after we got back Marshall got hit with this awful sickness! I never knew a little baby could puke up as much stuff as he did! Oh my word, I've done more laundry in the last four days than I ever knew was possible! It's been so sad. It was a little scary just because he's never been like that. Lethargic, not smiling and not eating very much at all. Anyways he's doing much better now. He also had a ear infection which he's taking meds for. Poor kid.
Things are definitely settled down here a little bit, I love Christmas though, such a fun and busy time of year. Back to reality now! Hope everyone is well! I think Marshall enjoyed being on an airplane. I mean he looks pretty happy!
There were several open seats on this flight so I kicked Matt out, he's just on the other side of Marshall, and let Marshall have his own seat. I gave him his toy truck and some cheerios on that little tray and he was in heaven!
Marshall was playing with one of the kids light savers (is that what they're called and is that how you spell it?) anyways...he almost hit someone with it.
We went for a little walk this morning! By little I mean from the house to the swing...Matt's not a real big 'walking' person...
Like I said...to the swing.
And fishing was by far what we did the most! Of course we had to introduce Marshall to the sport. He had so much fun. He loves watching anything that moves. I pulled a worm out of the bucket and let it wiggle in front of Marshall's face...he was mesmerized! His grandpa Neely is so proud!
Posted by Chris at 9:55 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Christmas has come and gone!
Oh I absolutely love Christmas! I love buying gifts and it's so hard for me to wait for Christmas to actually give them to people! This being Marshall's first Christmas and all it proved to be a very memorable occasion! We had a very busy last week! Matt's dad and brother's and neice Lola all came to our apartment for Christmas eve! I cooked my very first ham and the boys ate it so it must have turned out okay!
Christmas morning we headed to Matt's mom's house to celebrate with her and again Matt's brothers and neice. I think Lola might have had present overload but it was sure fun giving her gifts. She's almost 3 so it makes present opening very exciting.
Then that afternoon we headed up to my parents house in Gresham and did the Neely family Christmas. It was a very relaxing time and also fun opening presents with Marshall and his cousin Deakan. The next morning we headed out to Texas to visit some of Matt's family. (I'll post that trip asap!)
Today we took the tree down and cleaned the house! It's nice to be home again but we had such a fun time with our families! Hope your new year was great!
This was Marshall's very first Christmas present from his grandpa Bruce. It was this cool dinosaur toy that spits out plastic balls, plays music, and has lights flashing everywhere! Great toy!
Matt's brother Dave got everyone in the family Porter University sweatshirts. Apparently you can get these online...anyways, Marshall got a matching onsie! He was actually more interested in finding the cheerios on his tray under the onsie while we were trying to take this picture!
Posted by Chris at 9:25 PM 2 comments