...such is my life as of late. I LOVE it though! I am having so much fun getting our house set up. It takes a lot of time and work to get things functioning smoothly though. I've been painting, cleaning and working on curtains. I thought I would take a minute while both the kids are sleeping to update the blog since it's been forever!
I did also decide to brave the black friday shoppers this morning, well at like 9! It was so much fun and I got some great deals. Being in a home that is our own brings with it a sense of desire to start traditions for our family. Tradition #1 - black friday shopping is fun with friends! That's the only tradition I have so far, I need to work on more!
First pic in front of our new home! I hosted Thanksgiving this year...yes you do see fourteen settings! It was so much fun!
5 years ago
love it. i do that too with scrapbooking paper as placemats..i even have the same pad of that paper:) i think we have VERY similar taste:) love reagan's hat. did i spell her name right?
ps. is that paper or fabric in the frames? or maybe you don't want to share...:) they're very cute!
love it! wish I could have seen it tonight.. lol later :o)
I like the before and after pictures...looks so good. Can't wait to see more when you are done. Can I just say you are THE WOMAN for hosting Thanksgiving this year after just moving in! Wow! Super woman! It was awesome talking with you Sunday morning!!
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