It's true. My twenties are over. Wow do I sound old? Today I turned 30. A new decade to begin. I'm actually doing quite well with it despite how morbid I might sound :)
One makes so many life changing decisions in their twenties and it seems like the thirties is where life gets played out...I've been doing some real soul searching as of late and I think it's been good for me!
My wonderful hubby, along with my sister and the rest of my family planned an awesome surprise party for me on Monday night! It takes a lot to surprise me apparently because I'm so nosy...I just like to know that I'm going to be surprised:) Can anyone else relate to me or am I just nuts??!
Anyways Matt and I went to dinner and coffee and then one of the guys from the church called and told him that they had broken a sprinkler head down at the church building and that water was everywhere...we had to get down there immediately Matt said. I was fully expecting to walk into a room full of water but when I walked in the place was decked out and tons of people yelled surprise when I walked in the door. Pretty sure I almost peed my pants. I was seriously shaking a bit because it literally scared me...good job guys! I am so thankful for my friends...
So here we go...a new chapter in my life, wish me luck:)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Please join me in welcoming my thirties...
Posted by Chris at 5:05 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hello after a little absence in blogging! Of course it's busy with two kiddos but that's no excuse:) We've had a few things going on around here. We're hoping to buy a house befere December so I've been looking like crazy. I think I know something about every available house in Salem, in our price range at least! We found one that we loved but it didn't work out so we'll keep looking! We also took the kids to the fair and it was Matt's birthday last weekend and I was able to surprise him with tickets to the Keith Urban concert in Portland! It was a great concert and we had a wonderful time. We got a sweet deal on some amazing seats!
Can't believe we're half way through September!!! It's going to be Christmas before we know it.
On another note we have been having Outward's service on Sunday evenings but starting on the 27th of this month we will be adding a 10am morning service! We're so excited.
Ps - I can't wait to get some colder weather going on! Sorry to all you sun birds but I love jeans, boots, scarfs and extra hot lattes!
Me and Reagan...thanks Aunt Heidi for the 'baby legs'!
At the fair waiting for the chinese acrobat show to start. It was a pretty great show and Marshall was trying to do acrobat moves for the next few days!
Just loved the pen behind the ear:)
Waiting for Keith Urban to play!
Keith Urban...he's actually pretty short! He is an incredible guitarist and Matt LOVED the concert. Yay for a great present! Actual view from our zooming. Pretty sweet!
Posted by Chris at 9:40 AM 3 comments