Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter part 1

So sorry this has taken a while to get these pics up! I can't believe my last post was 3 weeks ago! I'm the worst. Anyways this is actually only part one of our Easter pics because my camera batteries died mid-morning and I didn't get a family shot until church with one of my friends cameras! So...our morning went like this...Marshall opened his Easter basket, eggs with kix and goldfish in them plus some cool Cars socks! He just wanted the kix and when he was done with the egg he chucked it behind him. Then we went to my mother in laws house for lunch. We had our little easter egg hunt which went like this...I showed Marshall the egg, shook it so he knew there was something inside it, I threw it across the room, he went crawling after it. End of Easter egg hunt! Life is fun with an almost one year old!
By the way Marshall started walking last week! He's doing it on his own this week moving from the coffee table to the couch or from the table to me in the middle of the living room floor! It's so fun and exciting! His first birthday is this coming Wednesday and I can' t wait to give him his presents. I bought him a kids sized guitar!
Hope everyone is well and I'll put those family Easter pics up when I get them!


Unknown said...

How adorable. His face will be covered in chocolate eggs in no time at all! Do you have any pictures of Deakan and marshall together? I would love to see them! Hope you are well. Sorry that danny and I couldn't stay that long. He's feeling much better, though. Love you!

Britney said...

Awwww!!!!!!! I think the second pic is my favorite ;-) He's changed so much since I saw him last, a few weeks ago! Big boy - and he's walking? I can hardly stand it. Love you guys, can't wait to see more pix!!!


The Toms said...

Too Cute!!! I can't wait for the boys to get together. It will be one big cuteness fest:) I'm here for another 2 weeks and would love to see you and marshall. i'll give you a call

KeriAnn said...

Chris, thanks for stopping by the Rumrey blog. Your little man is too cute. Can I link you on my blog?