I think that my life is about to change drastically as Marshall is beginning to get up on his hands and knees. He is moving off the blanket on the floor in all directions and is pulling his knees up under himself. This morning he got up on all fours and stayed there for a little bit! I'm not ready to 'crawl proof' my apartment yet! We had Bible study this morning so we took some pics with cousin Deakan! Marshall and Deakan are only two months apart! Deakan is already bigger than Marshall but that's no surprise if you know his daddy! We came home from our study to have a mid-morning snack which was extremely messy. When I tried to keep one hand out of Marshall's mouth he would just put to other one in. When I tried to hold that hand back with the spoon he just decided to bite the highchair...at that point I gave up and just let him make a mess of himself. Oh well at least he's eating well...here's to happy and messy mealtimes!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Just a typical morning...
Posted by Chris at 12:51 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tiki Torches!
One of our college aged girls in our church is leaving on a mission trip soon so we went to her going away party this last Friday night! Marshall was hanging with uncle Landon and learned all about fire that night! He so quick to grab for things now so I was of course watching Landon like a hawk! Marshall is growing so much right now. He's is talking all the time and his laugh is so fun! Matt and I are absolutely loving all of our time with him!
Posted by Chris at 12:48 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Marshall's Baby Pics
Some of you might remember when Marshall and I went to get his
pictures taken when he was six weeks old! Well we just got the pictures back and I'm so excited about them! I couldn't load them all in one post so keep scrolling down!
Posted by Chris at 9:52 PM 5 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Marshall's New Highchair!
Today was an exciting day here in the Porter household as Marshall got to try his new highchair out for the very first time! Grandma Judy did a little spoiling and bought him this chair. It's gorgeous and I'm really excited about it too! It's brand new and I was trying so hard today to keep it clean...well I tried but good thing it wipes down easily! When Marshall got done eating this morning I put him on the floor to play. Seconds later he rolled into his 'new toy' and proceeded to chew on the legs of the chair! (hope that's not bad for him!) I'm sure we have many a messy meal ahead of us, but I'm so thankful to have a chair to try and contain some of the mess! Thanks Grandma!
Posted by Chris at 5:52 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Labor Day
Our little family headed up to grandma and grandpa Neely's house to celebrate Labor Day in the sun! Marshall hit the pool with grandma while the rest of us stayed inside the air conditioned house! Dad cooked these awesome baby back ribs for dinner and we had a wonderful day just hanging out and relaxing.
Marshall started eating solids about a week ago now and he LOVES food! He's now grabbing for the spoon and sticking his fingers in his mouth in between each spoonful. Things were going fine here tonight until he decided to start rubbing his eyes and then the top of his head. This is by far the messiest meal he has ever eaten. I personally think he just likes to be the center of attention as he had the whole family cracking up!
We ended our evening rushing the remains of dinner back into the house as the yellow jackets were coming out in droves. Marshall decided that he wanted to help his uncle Landon kill a few of them in the process. Boys are so fun! Marshall looks like he has some real buff arms in this photo! I love the baby rolls!
He really does love the water! It was almost naptime so he was a little tired...
Marshall has a hard time smiling for the camera...he gets distracted so we have Aunt Heidi in the background making him smile!
Posted by Chris at 12:06 AM 3 comments
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Marshall's First Camping Trip!
Last weekend was officially Marshall's first time connecting with the great outdoors as we took him on his first camping adventure. We actually stayed in a trailer with Heidi and Landon but there was a real fire and real campfood at least! We had a great time and it was nice to get away from our busy life here in Salem. We went just outside of Sisters, Oregon by the Metolius River. It was absolutely beautiful and we look forward to going over there again in the future!
Posted by Chris at 10:53 AM 1 comments