Today one of my favorite online vendors, The Vintage Pearl, is doing an awesome giveaway! 3 Winners get $75 to spend on their incredible products. I have one of these necklaces and have purchased a few others and have been VERY happy with them! Hope you enjoy!
ps - will be updating blog with more pics soon!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Vintage Pearl Giveaway!
Posted by Chris at 10:02 AM 2 comments
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Life with 3...
Well we have survived the intial shock of having our third child! Hudson Timothy was born on February 12th at 2:45pm. It was my easiest labor and with only 1.5 pushes Hudson entered our world. He is a great baby and we love him so much already. Marshall and Reagan are adjusting fabulously and my biggest job right now is to protect Hudson from their reckless love of their baby brother:) "Just one more kiss" is the phrase I hear the most often from Marshall.
Matt has been a complete champ getting up with the kids in the morning to allow me to get in a few more minutes of shut eye before entering my reality of keeping 3 children alive throughout the day.:)
I ventured out to Costco when Hudson was 5 days old...with all three kids. Some might think I'm crazy but I felt pretty good and I figured I was going to have to figure out how to take them all places sooner or later:) Costco is the best place to start thanks to their gigantic carts. It was easy to strap them all in. Hudson sleeps all the time so he's pretty easy to drag along.
My mom has also been down here and there and that has allowed Matt and I to have a couple dates as well as me to have a little bit of alone time at Nordstrom or more often the grocery store:)
One thing has been on my mind lately is how amazing our friends, family and support system are. I literally did not have to cook for 3 weeks! 3 weeks...that was amazing thanks to my wonderful friends from church who stocked us with food, for my mom who came over and made us dinner one night and brought some costco meals, and a few extra special people who brought a meal as well. My friends have been visiting me at a great pace bringing me chai, gifts and just coming to get their baby fix:) I also have sweet friends who have taken pics of Hudson and my very special friend Britney who was the first to watch all 3 kids! I am so thankful for these amazing people that God has truly blessed us with.
I got to have a special one on one date with Marshall yesterday and we went to lunch, a movie and Starbucks. Such a special little time with him. He is going to be 4 years old in 3 short weeks. I cannot even believe he's that old already. Reagan is such a little charmer but definitely knows how to get under her big brothers skin. Her favorite thing to do is steal his toys and start running away...Lord help me and her mostly:)
Thanks for those of you who not only read my blog but have prayed for us and loved us along our journey. We are so thankful for you! Off to make dinner for the fam...:)
Posted by Chris at 5:32 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Christmas and some crafts...
So 3 months w/o a blog post is better than 4 so here we go! We had an absolutely amazing Christmas season. Matt had a couple weeks off so we got to relax and do a bunch of things with our family! We took the kids on a train ride in Portland, attended a FABULOUS wedding of one of our old buddies kid free (thanks mom and dad!), hung out with some great friends and had lots of time with family!
Two days after Christmas I had all my decor put away, the garage cleaned and all the kids clothes organized for the next season...I think I might be doing a little bit of 'nesting':) Speaking of nesting baby #3 is due to arrive here in the next 4.5 weeks or so! This pregnancy has gone by so kids obviously keep me pretty busy! We're still undecided on a name:( Hopefully we'll pick one before we get to the hospital. Life is about to change again but I am excited to see what this next season holds. My theme for this year is to simplify things. In all areas of my life...not entirely sure what that will look like but I am excited to see what God has to teach my family and I as we transition from the Porter 4 to the Porter 5!
Thanks to all my friends who look at my blog and allow me to look at theirs even when I'm slacking on mine! My favorite pic of the Christmas season! Marshall picked out his sweater:)
Posted by Chris at 11:05 PM 2 comments