Merry Christmas! Another Christmas has come and gone and I am sitting in my living room wondering if all this stuff is ever going to get put away! The time we had with our family this past week was wonderful! Marshall is at such a fun age for Christmas and Reagan just wants to eat the paper:)
We actually had four Christmas'...yes four. One with Matt's dad, one with my parents, one with Matt's mom and one with our little family early Christmas morning! I am sad it's over but excited for the new year. This year has been a wild ride for us. I can't believe that we were living in a one room studio apartment with Marshall at the beginning of this year! Then we moved into our rental house. Next came the moving of our church to a fantastic new location. Then came Reagan:) Then a little bit of peace...then we bought a house and moved in! Then we hosted Thanksgiving and a party on Christmas day night!
I am so thankful for the fullness of our life. We have a lot going on but we love it. We are so privledged to serve with the people that we do and that God has called us to the life we live. I pray that this year I may come to know the fullness of Christ even more and that it may become more evident in my life than ever before.
These pics are totally out of order but they are here none the less. We went to the Zoolights with my family and it was great! Lots of people but so fun...the boys are in LOVE with trains this year.
Hope your Christmas was full of joy! Marshall's first electric drum kit. It comes with headphones:) Praise Jesus
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The Christmas aftermath...
Posted by Chris at 10:55 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
December happenings...
Well we're as busy as bees over here in the Porter household! Trying to get your house set up with two little ones cruising around definitely takes some effort. I'm so thankful that they nap at the same time otherwise I'm sure I'd never get anything done!
So we got our Christmas tree last weekend and also took Marshall to the OMNIMAX Polar Express Movie. He loved a bit scared and cried during a few parts but for the most part did really well. He sat on my lap for the entire movie (which I loved)! It's the first time we've taken him to the 'big screen' and I wondered if it would be a little scary as it's pretty loud in there...all in all he did great. Then we went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner. Matt's Grandma was in town and she wanted to take us all to do something special!
I am so thankful to be in my own home this Christmas season. A full week of family gatherings is in store for us next week...I better finish my shopping!
Just a few updated pics! Reagan happy as months on Friday!
Posted by Chris at 11:25 PM 1 comments